002 - Brickcell DHT11 | MakeCode Microbit
The DHT11 is a low-cost, digital temperature and humidity sensor. It is commonly used in electronics projects and application to measure temperature and relative humidity. The sensor is consists of a capacitive humidity seensor and a thermistor to measure temperature. It provides digital output, making it relatively easy to interface with microcontrollers like microbit.
Temperature Range
The DHT11 can measure temperatures in the range of 0 degree Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius with accuracy of +/-2 degrees Celsius.
Humidity Range
The DHT11 can measure humidity in the range of 20% to 90% with a +/-5% accuracy.
The DHT11 communicates with the microcontr4oller using a single-wire (1-wire) communication protocol, which involves sending and receiving data via a single data pin.
Hardware Instruction
Let's explore how to connect the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor to a micro:bit microcontroller and utilize MakeCode for programming.
- Connect the DHT11 sensor GND pin to microbit GND pin.
- Connect the DHT11 sensor VCC pin to microbit VCC pin.
- Connect the DHT11 sensor signal (S) pin to microbit pin 0.
Software Instruction
Now, let's start into programming the micro:bit to utilize the NTC temperature sensor.
- Login to https://makecode.microbit.org/ using your Microsoft account.
- Create a new project by clicking the "New Project" button. You may name it anything you want, I suggest to name it with descriptive name such as "temperature-dht11-test".
- Click the "Extensions" block just under the "Math" block.
- Type https://github.com/gbantique/brickcell-temperature-dht11/ on the search bar.
- Select the "brickcell-temperature-dht11" from the search results. The "temperature dht11" block should appear under the "Brickcell" block.
- Copy the code provided below.
3basic.forever(function () {
4 serial.writeLine("" + (Brickcell.readDHT(dataType.temperature, DigitalPin.P0)))
5 basic.pause(2000)
- Open a Serial Monitor such as Termite terminal app https://www.compuphase.com/software_termite.htm/. Set the baud rate to 115200 bps.
Or you make a copy of my created project in your MakeCode workspace.
Expected Result
If you carefully follow the provided instruction above, you should be able to view the measured temperature/humidity on the serial terminal every 2000 milliseconds.
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