016 - Brickcell 8x16 Dot Matrix Display | MakeCode Microbit


Please refer to https://techtotinker.com/2024/01/12/brickcell_dotmatrix8x8_max7219/

Hardware Instruction

Let's explore how to connect the Dot Matrix Display module with SPI interface (MAX7219) to a micro:bit microcontroller and utilize MakeCode for programming.

  1. Connect the MAX7219 Dot Matrix display GND pin to microbit GND pin.
  2. Connect the MAX7219 Dot Matrix display VCC pin to microbit 3V3 pin.
  3. Connect the MAX7219 Dot Matrix display serial data input pin (DIN) to microbit pin 15.
  4. Connect the MAX7219 Dot Matrix display serial clock pin (CLK) to microbit pin 14.
  5. Connect the MAX7219 Dot Matrix display chip select pin (CS) to microbit pin 13.

Software Instruction

Now, let's start into programming the micro:bit to utilize the 8x8 MAX7219 Dot Matrix display module.

  1. Login to https://makecode.microbit.org/ using your Microsoft account.
  2. Create a new project by clicking the "New Project" button. You may name it anything you want, I suggest to name it with descriptive name such as "dotmatrix-8x16-max7219-test".
  3. Click the "Extensions" block just under the "Math" block.
  4. Type https://github.com/gbantique/brickcell-dotmatrix-max7219/ on the search bar.
  5. Select the "brickcell-dotmatrix-max7219" from the search results. The "dotmatrix max7219" block should appear under the "Brickcell" block.
  6. Copy the code provided below.
 1let max7219 = Brickcell.create()
11basic.forever(function () {
12    max7219.scrollText(
13    "Brickcell 8x16 Dot Matrix Display",
14    150,
15    300
16    )

Or you make a copy of my created project in your MakeCode workspace.


Expected Result

If you carefully follow the provided instruction above, you should be able to see a scrolling text "Brickcell 8x16 Dot Matrix Display".

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