Tutorial: ESP32 Web Server | ESP32 WiFi in Access Point Mode
Last time, I posted tutorial on how to use the ESP32 configured as WiFi Station. In order for us to control something in our web server, we need to connect to ESP32 and our device in the same Access Point or router. Now we will directly connect to our ESP32 Web Server by configuring it as WiFi Access Point.
You might interested to view the previous tutorial: https://techtotinker.com/2020/08/10/tutorial-esp32-web-server-control-something-through-esp32-wifi-in-station-mode/
Circuit Diagram
Video Demonstration
Call To Action
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Source Code
1 /*
2 * Simple ESP32 Web Server
3 * The ESP32 Wifi is configured as Access Point.
4 *
5 */
6 #include <WiFi.h>
8 #define BLUE_LED 25
9 #define GREEN_LED 26
10 #define RED_LED 27
12 // Create the objects for server and client
13 WiFiServer server(80);
14 WiFiClient client;
16 const char* ssid = "ESP32-AP-WebServer";// This is the SSID that ESP32 will broadcast
17 const char* password = "12345678"; // password should be atleast 8 characters to make it work
19 // Create the global variable
20 String http;
21 String bluLedState = "off";
22 String grnLedState = "off";
23 String redLedState = "off";
25 void setup() {
26 Serial.begin(115200);
27 pinMode(BLUE_LED, OUTPUT);
28 pinMode(GREEN_LED, OUTPUT);
29 pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);
30 digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW);
31 digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);
32 digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
33 Serial.print("Connecting to ");
34 Serial.println(ssid);
36 // Create the ESP32 access point
37 /*
38 * Alternative:
39 * softAP(const char* ssid,
40 * const char* password,
41 * int channel,
42 * int ssid_hidden,
43 * int max_connection
44 *
45 * where:
46 * ssid - this is the SSID that will be broadcast by ESP32
47 * maximum of 63 characters
48 * password - this is the password to connect to ESP32
49 * minimum of 8 characters to function
50 * Put NULL to make it open to public
51 * channel - wifi channels (ranging from 1 to 13)
52 * ssid_hidden - sets the SSID as broadcast or hidden
53 * 0: broadcast SSID
54 * 1: hidden SSID,
55 * you need to type the exact SSID name in order to connect
56 * max_connection - maximum number of connected clients
57 * accepts 1 to 4 only
58 *
59 */
60 WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);
62 Serial.println( "" );
63 Serial.println( "WiFi AP is now running" );
64 Serial.println( "IP address: " );
65 Serial.println( WiFi.softAPIP() );
67 // Start our ESP32 server
68 server.begin();
69 }
71 void loop(){
73 if ( client = server.available() ) { // Checks if a new client tries to connect to our server
74 Serial.println("New Client.");
75 String clientData = "";
76 while ( client.connected() ) { // Wait until the client finish sending HTTP request
77 if ( client.available() ) { // If there is a data,
78 char c = client.read(); // read one character
79 http += c; // then parse it
80 Serial.write(c);
81 if (c == 'n') { // If the character is carriage return,
82 // it means end of http request from client
83 if (clientData.length() == 0) { // Now that the clientData is cleared,
84 sendResponse(); // perform the necessary action
85 updateLED();
86 updateWebpage();
87 break;
88 } else {
89 clientData = ""; // First, clear the clientData
90 }
91 } else if (c != 'r') { // Or if the character is NOT new line
92 clientData += c; // store the character to the clientData variable
93 }
94 }
95 }
96 http = "";
97 client.stop(); // Disconnect the client.
98 Serial.println("Client disconnected.");
99 Serial.println("");
100 }
101 }
103 void sendResponse() {
104 // Send the HTTP response headers
105 client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
106 client.println("Content-type:text/html");
107 client.println("Connection: close");
108 client.println();
109 }
111 void updateWebpage() {
112 // In here we will display / update the webpage by sending the HTML
113 // to the connected client
114 // In order for us to use the HTTP GET functionality,
115 // the HTML hyperlinks or href is use in the buttons.
116 // So that, when you press the buttons, it will send a request to the
117 // web server with the href links by which our ESP32 web server will
118 // be check using HTTP GET and execute the equivalent action
120 // Send the whole HTML
121 client.println("<html>");
122 client.println("<head>");
123 client.println("<title>ESP32 WiFi Station</title>");
124 client.println("</head>");
126 // Web Page Heading
127 client.println("<body><h1>Simple ESP32 Web Server</h1>");
129 // Display buttons for Blue LED
130 client.println("<p>1. Blue LED is " + bluLedState + "</p>");
131 if (bluLedState == "off") {
132 client.println("<p><a href="/BLUE_LED/on"><button>Turn ON</button></a></p>");
133 } else {
134 client.println("<p><a href="/BLUE_LED/off"><button>Turn OFF</button></a></p>");
135 }
137 client.print("<hr>");
139 // Display buttons for Green LED
140 client.println("<p>2. Green LED is " + grnLedState + "</p>");
141 if (grnLedState == "off") {
142 client.println("<p><a href="/GREEN_LED/on"><button>Turn ON</button></a></p>");
143 } else {
144 client.println("<p><a href="/GREEN_LED/off"><button>Turn OFF</button></a></p>");
145 }
147 client.print("<hr>");
149 // Display buttons for Red LED
150 client.println("<p>3. Red LED is " + redLedState + "</p>");
151 if (redLedState == "off") {
152 client.println("<p><a href="/RED_LED/on"><button>Turn ON</button></a></p>");
153 } else {
154 client.println("<p><a href="/RED_LED/off"><button>Turn OFF</button></a></p>");
155 }
157 client.println("</body></html>");
158 client.println();
159 }
161 void updateLED() {
162 // In here we will check the HTTP request of the connected client
163 // using the HTTP GET function,
164 // Then turns the LED on / off according to the HTTP request
165 if (http.indexOf("GET /BLUE_LED/on") >= 0) {
166 Serial.println("Blue LED on");
167 bluLedState = "on";
168 digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, HIGH);
169 } else if (http.indexOf("GET /BLUE_LED/off") >= 0) {
170 Serial.println("Blue LED off");
171 bluLedState = "off";
172 digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, LOW);
173 } else if (http.indexOf("GET /GREEN_LED/on") >= 0) {
174 Serial.println("Green LED on");
175 grnLedState = "on";
176 digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, HIGH);
177 } else if (http.indexOf("GET /GREEN_LED/off") >= 0) {
178 Serial.println("Green LED off");
179 grnLedState = "off";
180 digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, LOW);
181 } else if (http.indexOf("GET /RED_LED/on") >= 0) {
182 Serial.println("Red LED on");
183 redLedState = "on";
184 digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
185 } else if (http.indexOf("GET /RED_LED/off") >= 0) {
186 Serial.println("Red LED off");
187 redLedState = "off";
188 digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
189 }
190 }
Posts in this series
- Tutorial: ESP32 Bluetooth Classic | How to get started with ESP32 | Arduino IDE
- Tutorial: ESP32 Web Server | Control something through ESP32 WiFi in Station Mode
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