005 - ESP32 MicroPython: Pulse Width Modulation
In this tutorial, we will learn to use the PWM of ESP32 in MicroPython. PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation.
Circuit Diagram
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Source Code
1# DC motor speed control using PWM in MicroPython
2# Author: George Bantique, TechToTinker
3# Date: September 13, 2020
5# Load the machine module which also
6# includes the pwm class
7import machine
9# Create the drives object for the direction
10# of rotation of the DC motor
11dr1 = machine.Pin(21, machine.Pin.OUT)
12dr2 = machine.Pin(19, machine.Pin.OUT)
14# Create the en1 object as normal GPIO
15en1 = machine.Pin(18, machine.Pin.OUT)
17# Create a pwm object and attach it to
18# pwm drivers
19pwm = machine.PWM(en1)
21# Rotates the DC motor clockwise
22def cw():
23 dr1.value(1)
24 dr2.value(0)
26# Rotates the DC motor counter-clockwise
27def ccw():
28 dr1.value(0)
29 dr2.value(1)
31# Starts the pwm with a definite value
32# and start the motor rotating according
33# to the input argument
34def start(rotation):
35 pwm.init(freq=1, duty=512)
36 if (rotation=='cw'):
37 cw()
38 elif (rotation=='ccw'):
39 ccw()
41# Stops the pwm using pwm.deinit() function
42# which dettach the pwm driver to the en1 object
43# We also provide the drives pin a logic low value
44def stop():
45 pwm.deinit()
46 dr1.value(0)
47 dr2.value(0)
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