007 - ESP32 MicroPython: How to make some sound with MicroPython


In this article, we will be exploring the use of Pulse Width Modulation or PWM in producing a sound using MicroPython.

Bill Of Materials

  1. ESP32 Development board.
  2. A buzzer module or a speaker.
  3. Some connecting wires.

Circuit Diagram

Video Demonstration

Call To Action

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Source Code

Example 1, Single Note:

 1# How to make some sound with MicroPython
 2# Author: George Bantique,
 3#         TechToTinker Youtube channel
 4#         www.techtotinker.com
 5# Date: September 18, 2020
 7# Import the machine module for GPIO and PWM
 8import machine
 9# Import the time module to add some delays
10import time
12# Create a regular GPIO object from pin 23
13p23 = machine.Pin(23, machine.Pin.OUT)
15# Create a new object and attach the pwm driver
16buzzer = machine.PWM(p23)
18# Set a pwm frequency
20# Set the pwm duty value
21# this serves as volume control
22# Max volume is a duty value of 512
24# Let the sound ring for a certain duration
26# Turn off the pulse by setting the duty to 0
28# And disconnect the pwm driver to the GPIO pin

Example 2, Mario Melody:

  1# How to make some sound with MicroPython
  2# Author: George Bantique,
  3#         TechToTinker Youtube channel
  4#         www.techtotinker.com
  5# Date: September 18, 2020
  6from machine import Pin
  7from machine import PWM
  8from time import sleep_ms
 11    def __init__(self, sig_pin):
 12        self.pwm = PWM(Pin(sig_pin),duty_u16=0)      
 14    def play(self, melodies, wait, duty=32767):
 15        for note in melodies:
 16            if note != 0:
 17                self.pwm.freq(note)
 18            self.pwm.duty_u16(duty)
 19            sleep_ms(wait)
 20        # Disable the pulse, setting the duty to 0
 21        self.pwm.duty_u16(0)
 22        # Disconnect the pwm driver
 23        #self.pwm.deinit() # remove to play the next melodies
 25    def tone(self, notes, wait, duty=32767):
 26        self.pwm.freq(notes)
 27        self.pwm.duty_u16(duty)
 28        sleep_ms(wait)
 29        self.pwm.duty_u16(0)
 31# Notes and its equivalent frequency
 32           # Octave 0 ********************
 33B0  = 31   # B
 34           # Octave 1 ********************
 35C1  = 33   # C
 36CS1 = 35   # C#/Db
 37D1  = 37   # D
 38DS1 = 39   # D#/Eb
 39E1  = 41   # E
 40F1  = 44   # F
 41FS1 = 46   # F#/Gb
 42G1  = 49   # G
 43GS1 = 52   # G#/Ab
 44A1  = 55   # A
 45AS1 = 58   # A#/Bb
 46B1  = 62   # B
 47           # Octave 2 ********************
 48C2  = 65   # C
 49CS2 = 69   # C#/Db
 50D2  = 73   # D
 51DS2 = 78   # D#/Eb
 52E2  = 82   # E
 53F2  = 87   # F
 54FS2 = 93   # F#/Gb
 55G2  = 98   # G
 56GS2 = 104  # G#/Ab
 57A2  = 110  # A
 58AS2 = 117  # A#/Bb
 59B2  = 123  # B
 60           # Octave 3 ********************
 61C3  = 131  # C
 62CS3 = 139  # C#/Db
 63D3  = 147  # D
 64DS3 = 156  # D#/Eb
 65E3  = 165  # E
 66F3  = 175  # F
 67FS3 = 185  # F#/Gb
 68G3  = 196  # G
 69GS3 = 208  # G#/Ab
 70A3  = 220  # A
 71AS3 = 233  # A#/Bb
 72B3  = 247  # B
 73           # Octave 4 ********************
 74C4  = 262  # C
 75CS4 = 277  # C#/Db
 76D4  = 294  # D
 77DS4 = 311  # D#/Eb
 78E4  = 330  # E
 79F4  = 349  # F
 80FS4 = 370  # F#/Gb
 81G4  = 392  # G
 82GS4 = 415  # G#/Ab
 83A4  = 440  # A
 84AS4 = 466  # A#/Bb
 85B4  = 494  # B
 86           # Octave 5 ********************
 87C5  = 523  # C
 88CS5 = 554  # C#/Db
 89D5  = 587  # D
 90DS5 = 622  # D#/Eb
 91E5  = 659  # E
 92F5  = 698  # F
 93FS5 = 740  # F#/Gb
 94G5  = 784  # G
 95GS5 = 831  # G#/Ab
 96A5  = 880  # A
 97AS5 = 932  # A#/Bb
 98B5  = 988  # B
 99           # Octave 6 ********************
100C6  = 1047 # C
101CS6 = 1109 # C#/Db
102D6  = 1175 # D
103DS6 = 1245 # D#/Eb
104E6  = 1319 # E
105F6  = 1397 # F
106FS6 = 1480 # F#/Gb
107G6  = 1568 # G
108GS6 = 1661 # G#/Ab
109A6  = 1760 # A
110AS6 = 1865 # A#/Bb
111B6  = 1976 # B
112           # Octave 7 ********************
113C7  = 2093 # C
114CS7 = 2217 # C#/Db
115D7  = 2349 # D
116DS7 = 2489 # D#/Eb
117E7  = 2637 # E
118F7  = 2794 # F
119FS7 = 2960 # F#/Gb
120G7  = 3136 # G
121GS7 = 3322 # G#/Ab
122A7  = 3520 # A
123AS7 = 3729 # A#/Bb
124B7  = 3951 # B
125           # Octave 8 ********************
126C8  = 4186 # C
127CS8 = 4435 # C#/Db
128D8  = 4699 # D
129DS8 = 4978 # D#/Eb
133# This is the list of notes for mario theme
134# 0 denotes rest notes
135mario = [
136     E7, E7,  0, E7,  0, C7, E7,  0,
137     G7,  0,  0,  0, G6,  0,  0,  0,
138     C7,  0,  0, G6,  0,  0, E6,  0,
139      0, A6,  0, B6,  0,AS6, A6,  0,
140     G6, E7,  0, G7, A7,  0, F7, G7,
141      0, E7,  0, C7, D7, B6,  0,  0,
142     C7,  0,  0, G6,  0,  0, E6,  0,
143      0, A6,  0, B6,  0,AS6, A6,  0,
144     G6, E7,  0, G7, A7,  0, F7, G7,
145      0, E7,  0, C7, D7, B6,  0,  0,
146    ]
148# This is the list of notes for jingle bells
149jingle = [
150    E7, E7, E7, 0,
151    E7, E7, E7, 0,
152    E7, G7, C7, D7, E7, 0,
153    F7, F7, F7, F7, F7, E7, E7, E7, E7, D7, D7, E7, D7, 0, G7, 0,
154    E7, E7, E7, 0,
155    E7, E7, E7, 0,
156    E7, G7, C7, D7, E7, 0,
157    F7, F7, F7, F7, F7, E7, E7, E7, G7, G7, F7, D7, C7, 0 
158    ]
160# This is the list of notes for Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
161twinkle = [
162    C6, C6, G6, G6, A6, A6, G6, 0,
163    F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, D6, C6, 0,
164    G6, G6, F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, 0,
165    G6, G6, F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, 0,
166    C6, C6, G6, G6, A6, A6, G6, 0,
167    F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, D6, C6, 0,
168    ]
171buzzer = GORILLACELL_BUZZER(10)
173print("Playing mario.")
174buzzer.play(mario, 150, 32767)
177print("Playing jingle bells.")
178buzzer.play(jingle, 250, 32767)
181print("Playing twinkle, twinkle little star.")
182buzzer.play(twinkle, 600, 32767)

Example 3, More Melodies:

 1# How to make some sound with MicroPython
 2# Author: George Bantique,
 3#         TechToTinker Youtube channel
 4#	  www.techtotinker.com
 5# Date: September 18, 2020
 7# This is the list of notes for jingle bells
 8jingle = [
 9    E7, E7, E7, 0,
10    E7, E7, E7, 0,
11    E7, G7, C7, D7, E7, 0,
12    F7, F7, F7, F7, F7, E7, E7, E7, E7, D7, D7, E7, D7, 0, G7, 0,
13    E7, E7, E7, 0,
14    E7, E7, E7, 0,
15    E7, G7, C7, D7, E7, 0,
16    F7, F7, F7, F7, F7, E7, E7, E7, G7, G7, F7, D7, C7, 0 
19def play_jingle():
20    play(p23, jingle, 0.25, 512)
22# This is the list of notes for Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
23twinkle = [
24    C6, C6, G6, G6, A6, A6, G6, 0,
25    F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, D6, C6, 0,
26    G6, G6, F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, 0,
27    G6, G6, F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, 0,
28    C6, C6, G6, G6, A6, A6, G6, 0,
29    F6, F6, E6, E6, D6, D6, C6, 0,
32def play_twinkle():
33    play(p23, twinkle, 0.6, 50)

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