015 - ESP32 MicroPython: Web Server | ESP32 Station Mode in MicroPython


In this article, we will learn how to create a web server hosted in ESP32 using MicroPython language for controlling the state of GPIO pin. This can be applied for controlling a relay which is popular in home automation projects.

Bill Of Materials

  1. ESP32 development board with MicroPython firmware.

Video Demonstration

Call To Action

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Thank you and have a good days ahead.

See you,

– George Bantique | tech.to.tinker@gmail.com

Source Code

1. wifi_credentials.py :

1ssid = "your_ssid"
2password = "your_password"

2. Web server using STA socket:

  1# ************************
  2# Web Server in ESP32 using
  3# web sockets (wifi station)
  4# Author: George Bantique
  5# Date: October 28, 2020
  6# Feel free to modify it
  7# according to your needs
  8# ************************
 10import machine
 11led = machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.OUT)
 14# ************************
 15# Configure the ESP32 wifi
 16# as STAtion mode.
 17import network
 18import wifi_credentials
 20sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
 21if not sta.isconnected():
 22    print('connecting to network...')
 23    sta.active(True)
 24    #sta.connect('your wifi ssid', 'your wifi password')
 25    sta.connect(wifi_credentials.ssid, wifi_credentials.password)
 26    while not sta.isconnected():
 27        pass
 28print('network config:', sta.ifconfig())
 30# ************************
 31# Configure the socket connection
 32# over TCP/IP
 33import socket
 35# AF_INET - use Internet Protocol v4 addresses
 36# SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket.
 37# SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket.
 38s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 39s.bind(('',80)) # specifies that the socket is reachable 
 40#                 by any address the machine happens to have
 41s.listen(5)     # max of 5 socket connections
 43# ************************
 44# Function for creating the
 45# web page to be displayed
 46def web_page():
 47    if led.value()==1:
 48        led_state = 'ON'
 49        print('led is ON')
 50    elif led.value()==0:
 51        led_state = 'OFF'
 52        print('led is OFF')
 54    html_page = """   
 55      <html>   
 56      <head>   
 57       <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"></meta>   
 58      </head>   
 59      <body>   
 60        <center><h2>ESP32 Web Server in MicroPython </h2></center>   
 61        <center>   
 62         <form>   
 63          <button name="LED" type="submit" value="1"> LED ON </button>   
 64          <button name="LED" type="submit" value="0"> LED OFF </button>   
 65         </form>   
 66        </center>   
 67        <center><p>LED is now <strong>""" + led_state + """</strong>.</p></center>   
 68      </body>   
 69      </html>"""  
 70    return html_page   
 72while True:
 73    # Socket accept() 
 74    conn, addr = s.accept()
 75    print("Got connection from %s" % str(addr))
 77    # Socket receive()
 78    request=conn.recv(1024)
 79    print("")
 80    print("")
 81    print("Content %s" % str(request))
 83    # Socket send()
 84    request = str(request)
 85    led_on = request.find('/?LED=1')
 86    led_off = request.find('/?LED=0')
 87    if led_on == 6:
 88        print('LED ON')
 89        print(str(led_on))
 90        led.value(1)
 91    elif led_off == 6:
 92        print('LED OFF')
 93        print(str(led_off))
 94        led.value(0)
 95    response = web_page()
 96    conn.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n')
 97    conn.send('Content-Type: text/html\n')
 98    conn.send('Connection: close\n\n')
 99    conn.sendall(response)
101    # Socket close()
102    conn.close()
  1# ************************
  2# Web Server in ESP32 using
  3# web sockets (wifi station)
  4# Author: George Bantique
  5# Date: October 28, 2020
  6# Feel free to modify it
  7# according to your needs
  8# ************************
  9import time
 10import machine
 11led = machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.OUT)
 14# ************************
 15# Configure the ESP32 wifi
 16# as STAtion mode.
 17import network
 19sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
 20if not sta.isconnected():
 21    print('connecting to network...')
 22    sta.active(True)
 23    #sta.connect('your wifi ssid', 'your wifi password')
 24    sta.connect('Tenda_6F1750', 'geoven021110')
 25    while not sta.isconnected():
 26        pass
 27print('network config:', sta.ifconfig())
 29# ************************
 30# Configure the socket connection
 31# over TCP/IP
 32import socket
 34# AF_INET - use Internet Protocol v4 addresses
 35# SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket.
 36# SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket.
 37s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 38s.bind(('',80)) # specifies that the socket is reachable 
 39#                 by any address the machine happens to have
 40s.listen(5)     # max of 5 socket connections
 42# ************************
 43# Function for creating the
 44# web page to be displayed
 45def web_page():
 46    if isLedBlinking==True:
 47        led_state = 'Blinking'
 48        print('led is Blinking')
 49    else:
 50        if led.value()==1:
 51            led_state = 'ON'
 52            print('led is ON')
 53        elif led.value()==0:
 54            led_state = 'OFF'
 55            print('led is OFF')
 57    html_page = """    
 58    <html>    
 59    <head>    
 60     <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"></meta>    
 61    </head>    
 62    <body>    
 63     <center><h2>ESP32 Web Server in MicroPython </h2></center>    
 64     <center>    
 65      <form>    
 66      <button name="LED" type="submit" value="1"> LED ON </button>    
 67      <button name="LED" type="submit" value="0"> LED OFF </button>  
 68      <button name="LED" type="submit" value="2"> LED BLINK </button>   
 69      </form>    
 70     </center>    
 71     <center><p>LED is now <strong>""" + led_state + """</strong>.</p></center>    
 72    </body>    
 73    </html>"""  
 74    return html_page   
 77tim0 = machine.Timer(0)
 78def handle_callback(timer):
 79    led.value( not led.value() )
 80isLedBlinking = False
 82while True:
 84    # Socket accept() 
 85    conn, addr = s.accept()
 86    print("Got connection from %s" % str(addr))
 88    # Socket receive()
 89    request=conn.recv(1024)
 90    print("")
 91    print("")
 92    print("Content %s" % str(request))
 94    # Socket send()
 95    request = str(request)
 96    led_on = request.find('/?LED=1')
 97    led_off = request.find('/?LED=0')
 98    led_blink = request.find('/?LED=2')
 99    if led_on == 6:
100        print('LED ON')
101        print(str(led_on))
102        led.value(1)
103        if isLedBlinking==True:
104            tim0.deinit()
105            isLedBlinking = False
107    elif led_off == 6:
108        print('LED OFF')
109        print(str(led_off))
110        led.value(0)
111        if isLedBlinking==True:
112            tim0.deinit()
113            isLedBlinking = False
115    elif led_blink == 6:
116        print('LED Blinking')
117        print(str(led_blink))
118        isLedBlinking = True
119        tim0.init(period=500, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=handle_callback)
121    response = web_page()
122    conn.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n')
123    conn.send('Content-Type: text/html\n')
124    conn.send('Connection: close\n\n')
125    conn.sendall(response)
127    # Socket close()
128    conn.close()

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