018 - ESP32 MicroPython: Thingspeak | RESTful APIs


REST API is one of the most popular API types. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer which is also known as RESTful APIs.

It is designed to take advantage of existing protocol. It can be used over any existing protocol, but it is typically used over HTTP when used on web applications.

A RESTful API is an application program interface that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.

Bill Of Materials

  1. ESP32 or ESP8266 development board.
  2. DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, or DHT11.

Hardware Instruction

  1. Connect the DHT22 VCC pin to ESP32 3.3V pin.
  2. Connect the DHT22 Data pin to ESP32 D23 pin.
  3. Connect the DHT22 GND pin to ESP32 GND pin.

Video Demonstration

Call To Action

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Thank you and have a good days ahead.

See you,

– George Bantique | tech.to.tinker@gmail.com

Source Code

1. Example # 1:

 1# **************************************#
 2# Author: George Bantique               #
 3#         TechToTinker Youtube Channel  #
 4#         TechToTinker.blogspot.com     #
 5#         tech.to.tinker@gmail.com      #
 6# Date: Nov.13, 2020                    #
 7# Please feel free to modify the code   #
 8# according to your needs.              #
 9# **************************************#
11# **************************************
12# Load necessary libraries
13import machine
14import network 
15import wifi_credentials 
16import urequests 
17import dht 
18import time 
20# **************************************
21# Create objects:
22led = machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.OUT) 
23d = dht.DHT22(machine.Pin(23)) 
25# *************************************
26# Configure the ESP32 wifi as STAtion
27sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
28if not sta.isconnected(): 
29  print('connecting to network...') 
30  sta.active(True) 
31  #sta.connect('your wifi ssid', 'your wifi password') 
32  sta.connect(wifi_credentials.ssid, wifi_credentials.password) 
33  while not sta.isconnected(): 
34    pass 
35print('network config:', sta.ifconfig()) 
37# **************************************
38# Constants and variables:
39HTTP_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} 
41UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL = 5000  # in ms 
42last_update = time.ticks_ms() 
43# initially there would be some delays 
44# before submitting the first update 
45# but should be enough to stabilize the 
46# the DHT sensor. 
48# **************************************
49# Main loop:
50while True: 
51    if time.ticks_ms() - last_update >= UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL: 
52        d.measure() 
53        t = d.temperature() 
54        h = d.humidity() 
56        dht_readings = {'field1':t, 'field2':h} 
57        request = urequests.post( 
58          'http://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=' +
60          json = dht_readings, 
61          headers = HTTP_HEADERS )  
62        request.close() 
63        print(dht_readings) 
65        led.value(not led.value()) 
66        last_update = time.ticks_ms()

2. wifi_credentials.py :

1ssid = "your wifi ssid"
2password = "your wifi password"

3. With MicroPython ESP32 v1.15, it seems like that the urequests module is removed. With that, you may try to save the following to MicroPython root directory by clicking the File menu, select Save As, select MicroPython Device and save it as urequests.py. (PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THE .py as extension):

  1import usocket
  3class Response:
  4    def __init__(self, f):
  5        self.raw = f
  6        self.encoding = "utf-8"
  7        self._cached = None
  9    def close(self):
 10        if self.raw:
 11            self.raw.close()
 12            self.raw = None
 13        self._cached = None
 15    @property
 16    def content(self):
 17        if self._cached is None:
 18            try:
 19                self._cached = self.raw.read()
 20            finally:
 21                self.raw.close()
 22                self.raw = None
 23        return self._cached
 25    @property
 26    def text(self):
 27        return str(self.content, self.encoding)
 29    def json(self):
 30        import ujson
 31        return ujson.loads(self.content)
 33def request(method, url, data=None, json=None, headers={}, stream=None):
 34    try:
 35        proto, dummy, host, path = url.split("/", 3)
 36    except ValueError:
 37        proto, dummy, host = url.split("/", 2)
 38        path = ""
 39    if proto == "http:":
 40        port = 80
 41    elif proto == "https:":
 42        import ussl
 43        port = 443
 44    else:
 45        raise ValueError("Unsupported protocol: " + proto)
 47    if ":" in host:
 48        host, port = host.split(":", 1)
 49        port = int(port)
 51    ai = usocket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, usocket.SOCK_STREAM)
 52    ai = ai[0]
 54    s = usocket.socket(ai[0], ai[1], ai[2])
 55    try:
 56        s.connect(ai[-1])
 57        if proto == "https:":
 58            s = ussl.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=host)
 59        s.write(b"%s /%s HTTP/1.0rn" % (method, path))
 60        if not "Host" in headers:
 61            s.write(b"Host: %srn" % host)
 62        # Iterate over keys to avoid tuple alloc
 63        for k in headers:
 64            s.write(k)
 65            s.write(b": ")
 66            s.write(headers[k])
 67            s.write(b"rn")
 68        if json is not None:
 69            assert data is None
 70            import ujson
 71            data = ujson.dumps(json)
 72            s.write(b"Content-Type: application/jsonrn")
 73        if data:
 74            s.write(b"Content-Length: %drn" % len(data))
 75        s.write(b"rn")
 76        if data:
 77            s.write(data)
 79        l = s.readline()
 80        #print(l)
 81        l = l.split(None, 2)
 82        status = int(l[1])
 83        reason = ""
 84        if len(l) > 2:
 85            reason = l[2].rstrip()
 86        while True:
 87            l = s.readline()
 88            if not l or l == b"rn":
 89                break
 90            #print(l)
 91            if l.startswith(b"Transfer-Encoding:"):
 92                if b"chunked" in l:
 93                    raise ValueError("Unsupported " + l)
 94            elif l.startswith(b"Location:") and not 200 <= status <= 299:
 95                raise NotImplementedError("Redirects not yet supported")
 96    except OSError:
 97        s.close()
 98        raise
100    resp = Response(s)
101    resp.status_code = status
102    resp.reason = reason
103    return resp
105def head(url, **kw):
106    return request("HEAD", url, **kw)
108def get(url, **kw):
109    return request("GET", url, **kw)
111def post(url, **kw):
112    return request("POST", url, **kw)
114def put(url, **kw):
115    return request("PUT", url, **kw)
117def patch(url, **kw):
118    return request("PATCH", url, **kw)
120def delete(url, **kw):
121    return request("DELETE", url, **kw)

References And Credits

  1. Thingspeak website: http://www.thingspeak.com

  2. Mathworks register: https://www.mathworks.com/mwaccount/register

  3. urequests.py library: https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib/blob/master/urequests/urequests.py

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