004 - MicroPython TechNotes: Gorilla Cell I/O Devices

Gorillacell ESP32 development kit also comes with 80 pieces of input and output devices also known as IO devices. Each IO devices is clearly labeled to prevent confusion.

GorillaCell I/O devices are categorized as:

  1. Display cell – are output devices consisting of LED, LCD, dot matrix display, 7 segment display, and etc.
  2. Sensor cell – are input devices consisting of buttons, switches, and other sensors.
  3. Motor cell – are output devices mainly composed of motors like DC motors, stepper motor, and servo motors.
  4. Communication cell – are input and output devices use for communication. It is composed of bluetooth module, wifi module, gps module, and others.

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See you,

– George Bantique | tech.to.tinker@gmail.com

  1. Purchased your GorillaCell ESP32 Development kit at: gorillacell.kr/

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