043 - MicroPython TechNotes: ESP12E WiFi | External WiFi module
In this article, I will demonstrate on how you can use an external WiFi module with ESP32 using MicroPython. Though ESP32 possesses a builtin Wifi device, sometimes an external module is necessary if you want to lessen the workload of the microcontroller. This is also applicable to microcontroller that does not have a builtin WiFi such as Raspberry Pi Pico and STM32.
We will use an ESP12E Wifi module or more commonly known as ESP8266 NodeMCU.
ESP12E can function in the following modes: 1. STA – or station mode, it needs to connect to a WiFi router. The WiFi router will provide IP address and handle all WiFi messages. If the module is used as a web server, a web client should be connected to the same WiFi router. This mode should be selected if you want to connect to the Internet. 2. SAP – or Software Access Point mode. In this mode, the ESP12E WiFi module provides IP addresses to all connected station devices. It also handles all WiFi transactions / message exchanges. This mode should be selected if you don’t want to use a WiFi router. 3. Both STA and SAP – or hybrid station mode and Access Point. It is complicated to use.
To use as WiFi STAtion:
1. Send AT+CWMODE=1
This will set the ESP12E WiFi module as station.
2. Send AT+CWJAP=”wifi_ssid”,”wifi_pass”
This will configure the ESP12E WiFi module to connect to a WiFi router with the provided SSID and passwod.
3. Send AT+CIPMUX=1
This will configure the ESP12E WiFi module to allow multiple connections, maximum of 4. A value of 0 allows a single connection.
4. Send AT+CIPSERVER=1,80
This will configure the ESP12E WiFi module to create a web server on port 80. A value of 0 terminate the web server.
5. Send AT+CIFSR
This will return the IP address of the station device. This is the IP address we are going to use in connecting to the web server.
To use as Wifi Access Point:
1. Send AT+CWMODE=2
This will set the ESP12E WiFi module as Access Point device.
2. Send AT+CWSAP=”ESP12E”,”12345678″,5,3
This will configure the ESP12E WiFi module as Access Point with ESP12E as SSID and a password of 12345678. “5” is the number of channel to service. and 3 is the Security Type.
0 = OPEN
3 = WPA2_PSK
3. Send AT+CIPMUX=1
This will configure the ESP12E WiFi module to allow multiple connections, maximum of 4. A value of 0 allows a single connection.
4. Send AT+CIPSERVER=1,80
This will configure the ESP12E WiFi module to create a web server on port 80. A value of 0 terminate the web server.
5. Send AT+CIFSR
This will return the IP address of the Access Point device. This is the IP address we are going to use in connecting to the web server.
To response to a client request: 1. Send AT+CIPSEND=id,html_length 2. Wait for a reply with “>” before sending the whole html page. 3. Send AT+CIPCLOSE=1 to close TCP connection.
It has 4 pins namely:
- GND – for the ground pin.
- VCC – for the supply voltage.
- TX – for the UART serial transmit pin.
- RX – for the UART serial receive pin.
Bill Of Materials
In order to follow this lesson, you will need:
- ESP32 development board.
- Gorillacell ESP32 shield.
- 4-pin female-female dupont wires.
- ESP12E Wifi Module
Hardware Instruction
- First, attach the ESP32 development board on top of Gorillacell ESP32 shield and make sure that both USB port are on the same side.
- Next, attach the dupont wires to the WiFi module by following a color coding such as black for the ground, red for the VCC, yellow for the TX, and white for the RX pin.
- Next, attach the other end of the dupont wires to the ESP32 shield by matching the colors of the wires to the colors of the pin headers such that black is to black, red is to red, yellow and the following colors to the yellow pin headers. For this lesson, I choose GPIO 25 for the TX pin and GPIO 26 for the RX pin.
- Next, power the ESP32 shield by connecting an external 5V power supply though the type-C USB port. Make sure that the power switch is set to ON state.
- Lastly, connect the ESP32 development board to the computer by attaching a micro USB cable.
Software Instruction
- Copy the example source code from the SOURCE CODE section and paste it to Thonny IDE.
- Please feel free to modify it and adapt it according to your needs.
Video Demonstration
Call To Action
If you have any concern regarding this video, please write your question in the comment box. You might also liked to support my journey on Youtube by subscribing on my channel, TechToTinker. Click this to Subscribe. Thank you and have a good days ahead. See you, – George Bantique | tech.to.tinker@gmail.com
Source Code
1. Example # 1, demonstrates how to use ESP12E as WiFi Web Server using MicroPython:
1# More details can be found in TechToTinker.blogspot.com
2# George Bantique | tech.to.tinker@gmail.com
4from machine import Pin
5from machine import UART
6from time import sleep_ms
9 def __init__(self, port=2, baud=115200, tx=26, rx=25):
10 self._wifi = UART(port, baudrate=baud, tx=tx, rx=rx)
12 def sta_init(self, ssid, pwd):
13 self.write('AT+CWMODE=1')
14 while(1):
15 response = str(self.decode())
16 if response != "...":
17 print(response)
18 if "OK" in response:
19 break
21 self.write('AT+CWJAP="{}","{}"'.format(ssid,pwd))
22 is_to_check_OK = 0
23 while(1):
24 response = str(self.decode())
25 if response != "...":
26 print(response)
27 if "WIFI GOT IP" in response:
28 is_to_check_OK = 1
29 if is_to_check_OK:
30 if "OK" in response:
31 break
33 def ap_init(self, ssid, pwd):
34 self.write('AT+CWMODE=2')
35 while(1):
36 response = str(self.decode())
37 if response != "...":
38 print(response)
39 if "OK" in response:
40 break
42 self.write('AT+CWSAP="{}","{}",5,3'.format(ssid,pwd))
43 while(1):
44 response = str(self.decode())
45 if response != "...":
46 print(response)
47 if "OK" in response:
48 break
50 def server(self, cwmode):
51 self.cipmux(mode=1)
52 while(1):
53 response = str(self.decode())
54 if response != "...":
55 print(response)
56 if "OK" in response:
57 break
59 self.cipserver(mode=1,port=80)
60 while(1):
61 response = str(self.decode())
62 if response != "...":
63 print(response)
64 if "OK" in response:
65 break
67 self.cifsr()
68 while(1):
69 response = str(self.decode())
70 if response != "...":
71 print(response)
72 if cwmode == 1:
73 if "STAIP" in response:
74 break
75 elif cwmode == 2:
76 if "APIP" in response:
77 break
79 def display(self,ids,html):
80 self.write('AT+CIPSEND={},{}'.format(ids,len(html)))
81 while(1):
82 response = str(self.decode())
83 if response != "...":
84 print(response)
85 if ">" in response:
86 break
87 if "ERROR" in response:
88 self.write('AT+CIPSEND={},{}'.format(ids,len(html)))
90 self.write(html)
91 while(1):
92 response = str(self.decode())
93 if response != "...":
94 print(response)
95 if "OK" in response:
96 break
98 self.write('AT+CIPCLOSE=1')
99 while(1):
100 response = str(self.decode())
101 if response != "...":
102 print(response)
103 if "OK" in response:
104 break
106 def parsed(self):
107 '''
109 * Get each payload line by line, we are only
110 * interested in a line with IPD
111 * If +IPD is found, parse the important parts of the string
112 * ipd is the +IPD string
113 * ids is the ID of the connected client
114 * req is the remaining part which will be further dissected
115 * cnt is the number of receive characters
116 * get is the remaining part which will be further dissected again
117 * page is the requested html page by the client
118 '''
119 request = self.decode_line()
120 ids = ""
121 page = ""
122 if request != "...":
123 print(request)
124 if "+IPD," in request:
125 ipd,ids,req = request.split(",")
126 print(ipd, ids, req)
127 cnt,get = req.split(":")
128 print(cnt, get)
129 page = get[4:-10]
130 print(page)
131 return ids, page
133 def write(self, tx_data):
134 self._wifi.write('{}rn'.format(tx_data))
136 def read(self):
137 timeout = 1000
138 test_ret = "..."
139 while self._wifi.any()==0:
140 if timeout == 0:
141 return bytes(test_ret, 'utf-8')
142 else:
143 timeout -= 1
144 reply = self._wifi.read()
145 return reply
147 def readline(self):
148 timeout = 1000
149 test_ret = "..."
150 while self._wifi.any()==0:
151 if timeout == 0:
152 return bytes(test_ret, 'utf-8')
153 else:
154 timeout -= 1
155 reply = self._wifi.readline()
156 return reply
158 def decode(self):
159 reply = self.read()
160 return reply.decode()
162 def decode_line(self):
163 reply = self.readline()
164 return reply.decode()
166 def prints(self):
167 print(self.decode())
169 def echo(self, mode='None'):
170 if mode==0:
171 self.write('ATE0')
172 else: #mode==1
173 self.write('ATE1')
175 def cwmode(self, mode='None'):
176 if mode==1: # Station mode
177 self.write('AT+CWMODE=1')
178 elif mode==2: # AP mode
179 self.write('AT+CWMODE=2')
180 elif mode==3: # STA and AP mode
181 self.write('AT+CWMODE=3')
182 else:
183 self.write('AT+CWMODE?')
185 def cifsr(self):
186 self.write('AT+CIFSR')
188 def cipmux(self,mode='None'):
189 if mode==1:
190 self.write('AT+CIPMUX=1')
191 else:
192 self.write('AT+CIPMUX?')
194 def cipserver(self,mode='None',port='None'):
195 sleep_ms(50)
196 self.write('AT+CIPSERVER={},{}'.format(mode,port))
198led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
200wifi.sta_init(ssid="Tenda_6F1750", pwd="geoven021110")
202wifi.server(1) # Set 1 for STA and 2 for AP
204def index_page():
205 global led
206 if led.value()==1:
207 led_state = 'ON'
208 print('led is ON')
209 elif led.value()==0:
210 led_state = 'OFF'
211 print('led is OFF')
213 html_page = """
214 <html>
215 <head>
216 <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"></meta>
217 </head>
218 <body>
219 <center><h2>ESP32 Web Server in MicroPython </h2></center>
220 <center>
221 <form>
222 <button name="LED" type="submit" value="1"> LED ON </button>
223 <button name="LED" type="submit" value="0"> LED OFF </button>
224 </form>
225 </center>
226 <center>
227 <p>LED is now <strong>""" + led_state + """</strong>.</p>
228 </center>
229 </body>
230 </html>"""
231 return html_page
233def favicon_page():
234 html_page = """
235 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
236 Content-Type: 'image/png'
238 <html>
239 <head>
240 <link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='/favicon.png'/>
241 </head>
242 <body>
243 </body>
244 </html>
245 """
246 return html_page
249while True:
250 client, page = wifi.parsed()
251 if page == "/ ":
252 wifi.display(client,index_page())
254 elif page == "/?LED=1 ":
255 led.value(1)
256 print('LED is ON')
257 wifi.display(client,index_page())
259 elif page == "/?LED=0 ":
260 led.value(0)
261 print('LED is OFF')
262 html = index_page()
263 wifi.display(client,index_page())
265 elif page == "/favicon.ico ":
266 #wifi.display(client,favicon_page())
267 pass
269 sleep_ms(500)
References And Credits
Purchased your Gorillacell ESP32 development kit: https://gorillacell.kr/
ESP12E AT Commands: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/4a-esp8266_at_instruction_set_en.pdf http://room-15.github.io/blog/2015/03/26/esp8266-at-command-reference/ https://www.electronicshub.org/esp8266-at-commands/
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