How to Interface HC-06 to Arduino

Electronics projects nowadays usually needs a wireless communication interface. Bluetooth device is one of the most commonly use for this purpose. Today, I am going to show you on how to interface HC-06 bluetooth module to Arduino.

  1. HC-06 bluetooth module
  2. Arduino Uno board
  3. A couple of jumper wires
  1. Connect the HC-06 VCC pin to +5V pin of Arduino Uno (please refer to the schematic below).
  2. Connect the HC-06 GND pin to GND pin of Arduino Uno.
  3. Connect the HC-06 TXD pin to pin 2 of Arduino Uno (functions as Rx).
  4. Connect the HC-06 RXD pin to pin 3 of Arduino Uno (fucntions as Tx).
  5. Connect the Arduino Uno to the computer.
  6. Run the Arduino IDE.
  7. Make sure Arduino Uno is selected under Tools > Board.
  8. Select the correct serial port under Tools > Port.
  9. Upload the sketch. Source code is provided below. This basically echoes the serial data through HC-06 to hardware serial of Arduino Uno and vice-versa.
  1. Connect a jumper wire between HC-06 RXD and TXD.
  2. Connect +5V supply to VCC.
  3. Connect the supply ground to GND pin.
  4. Using a mobile / smart phone connect through a bluetooth to HC-06.
  5. Enter pin code 1234. This basically echoes whatever is received by the HC-06 to a bluetooth terminal.

If you find this lesson useful, please kindly visit my website and Youtube channel. Links provided below:

  2. TechToTinker Youtube channel.

 1#include <softwareserial.h>
 3SoftwareSerial hc06(2,3);
 4String cmd="";
 6void setup(){
 7 //Initialize Serial Monitor
 8 Serial.begin(9600);
10 //Initialize Bluetooth Serial Port
11 hc06.begin(9600);
13 Serial.print("Setup DONE.");
16void loop(){
18  //Write data from HC06 to Serial Monitor
19  if (hc06.available()){
20    Serial.write(;
21  }
23  //Write from Serial Monitor to HC06
24  if (Serial.available()){
25    hc06.write(;
26  }   
28 delay(100);

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