Multitasking with Arduino | Relay Timer Controller | using millis


In this demonstration, I show a Relay Timer Controller. The multitasking is achieve using the power of millis function.

The following task are achieve:

  1. The On state of the relay (simulated through the LED).
  2. Navigating the LCD menu using buttons.

Circuit Diagram

Video Demonstration

Call To Action

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Source Code

  1#include "LiquidCrystal.h"
  3// LED definitions for easy reference
  4#define RED_LED   A0
  5#define YEL_LED   A1
  6#define BLU_LED   A2
  7#define LEFT_SW   A3
  8#define ENTR_SW   A4
  9#define RGHT_SW   A5
 11// Variables for the LCD
 12LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);
 13byte charUp[8] = {
 14        B00100,
 15        B01110,
 16        B11111,
 17        B00000,
 18        B00000,
 19        B00000,
 20        B00000,
 21        B00000
 23byte charDown[8] = {
 24        B00000,
 25        B00000,
 26        B00000,
 27        B00000,
 28        B00000,
 29        B11111,
 30        B01110,
 31        B00100
 33byte charUpDown[8] = {
 34        B00100,
 35        B01110,
 36        B11111,
 37        B00000,
 38        B00000,
 39        B11111,
 40        B01110,
 41        B00100
 44// Variables for the button switch
 45#define DEFAULT_DELAY 300
 46char buttonPressed = '0';
 47byte menu = 1;
 48byte sub = 1;
 49byte menuLevel = 0;     // Level 0: no menu display, display anything you like
 50                        // Level 1: display main menu
 51                        // Level 2: display sub menu
 52                        // Level 3: display sub menu of sub menu
 53unsigned long relay_val_1 = 0;
 54unsigned long relay_val_2 = 0;
 55unsigned long relay_val_3 = 0;
 57// Variables for the button debouncing
 58bool currState_L = HIGH;
 59bool currState_E = HIGH;
 60bool currState_R = HIGH;
 61bool prevState_L = HIGH; 
 62bool prevState_E = HIGH; 
 63bool prevState_R = HIGH; 
 64unsigned long prevTime_L = 0;
 65unsigned long prevTime_E = 0;
 66unsigned long prevTime_R = 0;
 67unsigned long waitTime_L = 50;
 68unsigned long waitTime_E = 50;
 69unsigned long waitTime_R = 50;
 71// Variables for the LED
 72bool ledState_RED = LOW;            // this holds the current state of the LED
 73bool ledState_YEL = LOW;      
 74bool ledState_BLU = LOW;            
 75unsigned long prevMillis_RED = 0;   // this holds the start time of millis for computing the elapse time
 76unsigned long prevMillis_YEL = 0;   
 77unsigned long prevMillis_BLU = 0;   
 78unsigned long interval_RED = 3000;  // this holds the interval of each toggle of LED
 79unsigned long interval_YEL = 5000;  
 80unsigned long interval_BLU = 7000;  
 81unsigned long currMillis_ALL = 0;   // this holds the current time captured by the millis() function
 82                                    // it is use in general for synchronization purpose
 83unsigned long elapsed_RED = 0;
 84unsigned long elapsed_YEL = 0;
 85unsigned long elapsed_BLU = 0;
 87bool run_RED = false;
 88bool run_YEL = false;
 89bool run_BLU = false;
 91void setup() {
 92  lcd.begin(16,2);
 93  lcd.createChar(0, charUp);
 94  lcd.createChar(1, charDown);
 95  lcd.createChar(2, charUpDown);
 96  lcd.println("  TechToTinker  ");
 98  // Set the pin directions for LEDs
 99  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);
100  pinMode(YEL_LED, OUTPUT);
101  pinMode(BLU_LED, OUTPUT);
103  pinMode(LEFT_SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
104  pinMode(ENTR_SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
105  pinMode(RGHT_SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
107  updateLevel_0();
110void loop() {
111  // Store the currently time
112  // Notice: it use a single current time for synchonization with other function
113  currMillis_ALL = millis();
114  checkButton();
115  // Virtually process all the task
116  process_RED();
117  process_YEL();
118  process_BLU();
121void checkButton() {
122  // Button Debouncing
123  bool currRead_L = digitalRead(LEFT_SW);
124  bool currRead_E = digitalRead(ENTR_SW);
125  bool currRead_R = digitalRead(RGHT_SW);
126  if (currRead_L != prevState_L) {
127    prevTime_L = millis();
128  }
129  if (currRead_E != prevState_E) {
130    prevTime_E = millis();
131  }
132  if (currRead_R != prevState_R) {
133    prevTime_R = millis();
134  }
136  if ((millis() - prevTime_L) > waitTime_L) {
137    if (currRead_L != currState_L) {
138      currState_L = currRead_L;
139      if (currState_L == LOW) {
140        buttonPressed = 'L';
141      } 
142    }
143  } else buttonPressed = '0';
144  if ((millis() - prevTime_E) > waitTime_E) {
145    if (currRead_E != currState_E) {
146      currState_E = currRead_E;
147      if (currState_E == LOW) {
148        buttonPressed = 'E';
149      } 
150    }
151  } else buttonPressed = '0';
152  if ((millis() - prevTime_R) > waitTime_R) {
153    if (currRead_R != currState_R) {
154      currState_R = currRead_R;
155      if (currState_R == LOW) {
156        buttonPressed = 'R';
157      } else {
158        //buttonPressed = '0';
159      }
160    }
161  } else buttonPressed = '0';
163  prevState_L = currRead_L;
164  prevState_E = currRead_E;
165  prevState_R = currRead_R;
166  processButton(buttonPressed);
169void processButton(char buttonPressed) {
170  switch(menuLevel) {
171    case 0:                     // Level 0, home screen
172      switch ( buttonPressed ) {
173        case 'E':   // Enter
174          menu = 1;
175          menuLevel = 1;        // go to main menu
176          updateLevel_1();      // show main menu
177          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
178          break;
179        case 'L':   // Left button
180          break;
181        case 'R':   // Right button
182          break;
183        default:
184          break;
185      }
186      break;
187    case 1:                       // Level 1, main menu
188      switch ( buttonPressed ) {
189        case 'E':                 // Enter
190          if (menu == 4) {        // Hide menu is selected
191            menuLevel = 0;        // go to home screen
192            updateLevel_0();      // show home screen
193          } else {
194            sub = 1;
195            menuLevel = 2;        // go to sub menu
196            updateLevel_2();      // show sub menu
197          }
198          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
199          break;
200        case 'L':                 // Left
201          menu--;
202          updateLevel_1();        // show main menu
203          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
204          break;
205        case 'R':                 // Right
206          menu++;
207          updateLevel_1();        // show main menu
208          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
209          break;
210        default:
211          break;
212      } 
213      break;
214    case 2:                     // Level 2, sub menu
215      switch ( buttonPressed ) {
216        case 'E':               // Enter
217          if (sub == 2) {         // Edit
218            menuLevel = 3;        // go to sub menu of sub menu
219            updateLevel_3();      // show sub menu of sub menu
220          } else if (sub == 3) {  // Execute
221            executeAction();
222            delay(1000);
223            menuLevel = 2;        // go to sub menu
224            updateLevel_2();      // show sub menu
225          } else if (sub == 4) {  // Back
226            menuLevel = 1;        // go back to level 1
227            updateLevel_1();      // show main menu
228          }
229          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
230          break;
231        case 'L':               // Left button
232          sub--;
233          updateLevel_2();
234          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
235          break;
236        case 'R':               // Right button
237          sub++;
238          updateLevel_2();      // show main menu
239          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
240          break;
241        default:
242          break;
243      } 
244      break;
245    case 3:                     // Level 3, sub menu of sub menu
246      switch ( buttonPressed ) {
247        case 'E':               // Enter
248          menuLevel = 2;        // go back to level 2
249          updateLevel_2();      // show sub menu
250          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
251          break;
252        case 'L':               // Left
253          if (sub == 2) {       // edit value
254            if        (menu == 1) {
255              if (relay_val_1 == 0) {
256                relay_val_1 = 0;
257              } else {
258                relay_val_1 = relay_val_1 - 1;
259              }
260            } else if (menu == 2) {
261              if (relay_val_2 == 0) {
262                relay_val_2 = 0;
263              } else {
264                relay_val_2 = relay_val_2 - 1;
265              }
266            } else if (menu == 3) {
267              if (relay_val_3 == 0) {
268                relay_val_3 = 0;
269              } else {
270                relay_val_3 = relay_val_3 - 1;
271              }
272            }
273          }
274          updateLevel_3();      // show sub menu
275          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
276          break;
277        case 'R':               // Right
278          if (sub == 2) {       // edit value
279            if        (menu == 1) {
280              if (relay_val_1 < 3600000) {  // 1 hour max
281                relay_val_1 = relay_val_1 + 1;
282              } else {
283                relay_val_1 = 3600000;
284              }
285            } else if (menu == 2) {       
286              if (relay_val_2 < 3600000) {  // 1 hour max
287                relay_val_2 = relay_val_2 + 1;
288              } else {
289                relay_val_2 = 3600000;
290              }
291            } else if (menu == 3) {
292              if (relay_val_3 < 3600000) {  // 1 hour max  
293                relay_val_3 = relay_val_3 + 1;
294              } else {
295                relay_val_3 = 3600000;
296              }
297            }
298          }
299          updateLevel_3();      // show sub menu
300          delay(DEFAULT_DELAY);
301          break;
302        default:  
303          break;
304      } 
305      break;
306    default:
307      break;
308  }
311void updateLevel_0() {
312  lcd.clear();
313  lcd.println("  TechToTinker  ");
314  lcd.setCursor(0,1);
315  lcd.println("  - E for menu  ");
318void updateLevel_1 () {
319  switch (menu) {
320    case 0:
321      menu = 1;
322      break;
323    case 1:
324      lcd.clear();
325      lcd.print(">Relay RED       ");
326      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
327      lcd.print(" Relay YEL       ");
328      lcd.setCursor(15,1);
329      lcd.write((byte)1);     // down arrow
330      break;
331    case 2:
332      lcd.clear();
333      lcd.print(" Relay RED       ");
334      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
335      lcd.print(">Relay YEL       ");
336      lcd.setCursor(15,1);
337      lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
338      break;
339    case 3:
340      lcd.clear();
341      lcd.print(">Relay BLU      ");
342      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
343      lcd.print(" Hide Menu      ");
344      lcd.setCursor(15,1);
345      lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
346      break;
347    case 4:
348      lcd.clear();
349      lcd.print(" Relay BLU      ");
350      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
351      lcd.print(">Hide Menu      ");
352      lcd.setCursor(15,1);
353      lcd.write((byte)0);     // up arrow
354      break;
355    case 5:
356      menu = 4;
357      break;
358  }
361void updateLevel_2 () {
362  switch (menu) {
363    case 0:
364      break;
365    case 1:                                 // Relay RED
366      switch (sub) {
367        case 0:
368          break;
369        case 1:
370          lcd.clear();
371          lcd.print(" Relay RED:     ");
372          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
373          lcd.print("  Duration = ");
374          lcd.print(relay_val_1);
375          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
376          lcd.write((byte)1);     // down arrow
377          break;
378        case 2:
379          lcd.clear();
380          lcd.print(" Relay RED:     ");
381          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
382          lcd.print("  Edit          ");
383          lcd.print(relay_val_1);
384          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
385          lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
386          break;
387        case 3:
388          lcd.clear();
389          lcd.print(" Relay RED:     ");
390          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
391          lcd.print("  Execute       ");
392          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
393          lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
394          break;
395        case 4:
396          lcd.clear();
397          lcd.print(" Relay RED:     ");
398          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
399          lcd.print("  Back          ");
400          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
401          lcd.write((byte)0);      // up arrow
402        default:
403          break;
404      }
405      break;
406    case 2:                                 // Relay YEL
407      switch (sub) {
408        case 0:
409          break;
410        case 1:
411          lcd.clear();
412          lcd.print(" Relay YEL:     ");
413          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
414          lcd.print("  Duration = ");
415          lcd.print(relay_val_2);
416          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
417          lcd.write((byte)1);     // down arrow
418          break;
419        case 2:
420          lcd.clear();
421          lcd.print(" Relay YEL:     ");
422          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
423          lcd.print("  Edit          ");
424          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
425          lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
426          break;
427        case 3:
428          lcd.clear();
429          lcd.print(" Relay YEL:     ");
430          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
431          lcd.print("  Execute       ");
432          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
433          lcd.write((byte)0);     // up arrow
434          break;
435        case 4:
436          lcd.clear();
437          lcd.print(" Relay YEL:     ");
438          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
439          lcd.print("  Back          ");
440          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
441          lcd.write((byte)0);      // up arrow
442        default:
443          break;
444      }
445      break;
446    case 3:                               // Relay BLU
447      switch (sub) {
448        case 0:
449          break;
450        case 1:
451          lcd.clear();
452          lcd.print(" Relay BLU      ");
453          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
454          lcd.print("  Duration = ");
455          lcd.print(relay_val_3);
456          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
457          lcd.write((byte)1);     // down arrow
458          break;
459        case 2:
460          lcd.clear();
461          lcd.print(" Relay BLU:     ");
462          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
463          lcd.print("  Edit          ");
464          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
465          lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
466          break;
467        case 3:
468          lcd.clear();
469          lcd.print(" Relay BLU:     ");
470          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
471          lcd.print("  Execute       ");
472          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
473          lcd.write((byte)2);     // up and down arrow
474          break;
475        case 4:
476          lcd.clear();
477          lcd.print(" Relay BLU:     ");
478          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
479          lcd.print("  Back          ");
480          lcd.setCursor(15,1);
481          lcd.write((byte)0);      // up arrow
482          break;
483        default:
484          break;
485      }
486      break;
487    case 4:
488      //sub = 3;
489      break;
490  }
493void updateLevel_3 () {
494  switch (menu) {
495    case 0:
497      break;
498    case 1:
499      lcd.clear();
500      lcd.print(" Relay RED:     ");
501      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
502      lcd.print("  Duration = ");
503      lcd.print(relay_val_1);
504      break;
505    case 2:
506      lcd.clear();
507      lcd.print(" Relay YEL:     ");
508      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
509      lcd.print("  Duration = ");
510      lcd.print(relay_val_2);
511      break;
512    case 3:
513      lcd.clear();
514      lcd.print(" Relay BLU:     ");
515      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
516      lcd.print("  Duration = ");
517      lcd.print(relay_val_3);
518      break;
519    case 4:
520      sub = 3;
521      break;
522  }
525void executeAction () {
526  switch (menu) {
527    case 0:
529      break;
530    case 1:
531      lcd.clear();
532      lcd.print(" Executing RED  ");
533      run_RED = true;                   // execute the timer
534      prevMillis_RED = millis();        // record the start time
535      interval_RED = relay_val_1 * 1000;// duration in seconds
536      digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
537      break;
538    case 2:
539      lcd.clear();
540      lcd.print(" Executing YEL  ");
541      run_YEL = true;
542      prevMillis_YEL = millis();        // record the start time
543      interval_YEL = relay_val_2 * 1000;// duration in seconds
544      digitalWrite(YEL_LED, HIGH);
545      break;
546    case 3:
547      lcd.clear();
548      lcd.print(" Executing BLU  ");
549      run_BLU = true;
550      prevMillis_BLU = millis();        // record the start time
551      interval_BLU = relay_val_3 * 1000;// duration in seconds
552      digitalWrite(BLU_LED, HIGH);
553      break;
554    case 4:
555      sub = 3;
556      break;
557  }
560void process_RED() {
561  if (run_RED) {
562    if (millis() - prevMillis_RED >= interval_RED) {
563      // Elapse time has reached the interval
564      // Save the current time as previous time
565      //prevMillis_RED = currMillis_ALL;
566      run_RED = false;
567      digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
568    }
569  }
572void process_YEL() {
573  if (run_YEL) {
574    if (millis() - prevMillis_YEL >= interval_YEL) {
575      // Elapse time has reached the interval
576      // Save the current time as previous time
577      //prevMillis_RED = currMillis_ALL;
578      run_YEL = false;
579      digitalWrite(YEL_LED, LOW);
580    }
581  }
584void process_BLU() {
585  if (run_BLU) {
586    if (millis() - prevMillis_BLU >= interval_BLU) {
587      // Elapse time has reached the interval
588      // Save the current time as previous time
589      //prevMillis_RED = currMillis_ALL;
590      run_BLU = false;
591      digitalWrite(BLU_LED, LOW);
592    }
593  }

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