8 Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) Robot Using Arduino Uno


This project is an 8-Degrees-Of-Freedom Robot. It is called 8-DOF-Robot because it has 8 servo motors. It has 2 servos for the left and right ankle, 2 servos for the left and right knee, 2 servos for the left and right hips, and 2 servos for the left and right shoulder. No movement for the shoulders yet because I am focus with the walking.

This project is my long and forgotten project because of its complexities like:

  1. How to control multiple servo motors at the same time?
  2. How to rotate servo motors in staggered timing?
  3. How to control it wirelessly?
  4. How to make it walk?

To solve the complexities, the following are what I did.

1: How to control multiple servo motors at the same time? I used what they call PROTOTHREADING which is basically the BlinkWithoutDelay in the Examples of Arduino IDE. With protothreading, it seems like the microcontroller is doing multiple task at the same time. Task like checking the command from wireless PS2, setting the command, setting the requested angle of each servo motors, rotating the servo motors, updating the LCD display, and updating the serial for debugging purposes.

2: How to rotate servo motors in staggered timing? I used what they call STATE MACHINE which is tracking the current angle of the servo versus the requested angle for that specific servo motors and rotating it gradually. I also added a protection check on each side of the servo motors to prevent it from over-turning. This is achieve by comparing the current angle versus the minimum and maximum angle possible.

3: How to control it wirelessly? I achieve this by using a wireless PS2 controller. The PS2 receiver is connected to the microcontroller then I use the Bill Porters Arduino library for PS2.

4: How to make it walk? This is the hardest part because I cannot find a sample code online to follow. There is a research paper I found but the angle mentioned are too ideal and when followed will results to robot falling down. So what I do is by trial and error in simulating how human walks. I used a four-stage per step walking (1) lean to the LEFT, (2) RIGHT foot forward up, (3) RIGHT foot forward down, and (4) balance foot with the RIGHT. This is also the same with the other side.

Atlast, after many hours of tinkering and code troubleshooting, I am able to make it walk.

  1. By pressing the LEFT arrow button: 1-step forward (left foot first).
  2. By pressing the RIGHT arrow button: 1-step forward (right foot first).
  3. By pressing the UP arrow button: Walking forward.
  4. By pressing the DOWN arrow button: Stop walking.
  5. By pressing the R1 + LEFT arrow button: 1-step backward (left foot first).
  6. By pressing the R1 + RIGHT arrow button: 1-step backward (right foot first).
  7. By pressing the R1 + UP arrow button: Walking backward.
  8. By pressing the R1 + DOWN arrow button: Stop walking.
  9. By pressing the TRIANGLE button: Vow.

Video Demonstration

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Thank you and may God bless us all. – George Bantique | tech.to.tinker@gmail.com

Source Code

  2  * Original sourse: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-PWM-Servo-Driver-Library  
  3  * This is the Arduino code PAC6985 16 channel servo controller  
  4  * watch the video for details and demo http://youtu.be/y8X9X10Tn1k  
  5  * *   
  6  Watch V2 Video on using PAC9685 with more code:https://youtu.be/bal2STaoQ1M  
  7  Watch V3 of this code to control 32 Sevo motor: https://youtu.be/6P21wG7N6t4  
  8  * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for Robojax Video channel www.Robojax.com  
  9  * Date: Dec 16, 2017, in Ajax, Ontario, Canada  
 10  * Permission granted to share this code given that this  
 11  * note is kept with the code.  
 12  * Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.  
 13  * this code has been downloaded from http://robojax.com/learn/arduino/  
 14  *   
 15  */  
 16 /***************************************************   
 17  This is an example for our Adafruit 16-channel PWM & Servo driver  
 18  Servo test - this will drive 16 servos, one after the other  
 19  Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!  
 20  ------> http://www.adafruit.com/products/815  
 21  These displays use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to   
 22  interface. For Arduino UNOs, thats SCL -> Analog 5, SDA -> Analog 4  
 23  Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,   
 24  please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing   
 25  products from Adafruit!  
 26  Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.   
 27  BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution  
 28 */  
 29 /**************************************************  
 30  * Scheduino_Blink_example  
 31  *  
 32  * Simple example using the Scheduino library.  
 33  * Replicates the behaviour of the standard Arduino 'Blink' example, 
 34  * while outputting the LED status (ON or OFF) to the Serial port  
 35  *  
 36  */  
 37 #include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>  
 38 #include <PS2X_lib.h>  
 39 #include <SoftwareSerial.h>  
 40 Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver(); // create servo Controller Class  
 41 PS2X ps2x;                        // create PS2 Controller Class  
 42 SoftwareSerial mySerial(2,3);               // create soft serial class  
 43 #define SERVOMIN 125 // this is the 'minimum' pulse length count (out of 4096) // RIGHT SIDE  
 44 #define SERVOMAX 615 // this is the 'maximum' pulse length count (out of 4096) // LEFT SIDE  
 45 // our servo # counter  
 46 uint8_t servonum = 0;  
 47 // Channel 0 - head  
 48 // Channel 1 - nc  
 49 // Channel 2 - nc  
 50 // Channel 3 - left foot  
 51 // Channel 4 - left knee  
 52 // Channel 5 - left hip  
 53 // Channel 6 - left shoulder  
 54 // Channel 7 - nc  
 55 // Channel 8 - nc  
 56 // Channel 9 - nc  
 57 // Channel 10 - right foot  
 58 // Channel 11 - right knee  
 59 // Channel 12 - right hip  
 60 // Channel 13 - right shoulder  
 61 // Channel 14 - nc  
 62 // Channel 15 - nc  
 63 // Current angle position  
 64 byte currAnglePOS[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};  
 65 // Maximum allowed angle position  
 66 byte maxAnglePOS[16] = {0, 0, 0, 115, 180, 180, 180, 0, 0, 0, 115, 180, 180, 180, 0, 0};  
 67 // Minimum allowed angle position  
 68 byte minAnglePOS[16] = {0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};  
 69 // Default or standing angle position  
 70 byte idleAnglePOS[16] = {0, 0, 0, 95, 90, 95, 170, 0, 0, 0, 85, 90, 95, 10, 0, 0};  
 71 // Requested angle position  
 72 byte reqAnglePOS[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};  
 73 byte ch = 0;  // channel counter  
 74 int error = 0;   
 75 byte type = 0;  
 76 byte vibrate = 0;  
 77 byte cmdFUNCTION = 0;  
 78 bool stepRIGHT = 0; // if 1 = forward step right, 0: forward step left  
 79 bool isWALKING = 0;  
 80 // ####################################  
 82 // ####################################  
 83 unsigned long checkPS2TaskTimer = 0;  
 84 const unsigned long checkPS2TaskInterval = 100;  
 85 unsigned long setCommandTaskTimer = 0;  
 86 const unsigned long setCommandTaskInterval = 200;  
 87 unsigned long setServoTaskTimer = 0;  
 88 const unsigned long setServoTaskInterval = 200;  
 89 unsigned long doServoTaskTimer = 0;  
 90 const unsigned long doServoTaskInterval = 20;  
 91 unsigned long updateLCDTaskTimer = 0;  
 92 const unsigned long updateLCDTaskInterval = 500;  
 93 unsigned long updateSerialTaskTimer = 0;  
 94 const unsigned long updateSerialTaskInterval = 500;  
 95 // ###############################  
 96 // PROTOTYPES here:  
 97 // ###############################  
 98 unsigned int angleToPulse(byte ang);  
 99 void doServo ();  
100 void setCommand();  
101 void setServo();  
102 void checkPS2 ();  
103 void updateLCD();  
104 void updateSerial();  
105 // ######################################  
106 // setup function:   
107 // Put code that run once here  
108 // ######################################  
109 void setup() {  
110  mySerial.begin(9600);  
111  Serial.begin(9600);  
112  Serial.println("6 DOF Biped Robot");  
113  pwm.begin();  
114  pwm.setPWMFreq(60); // Analog servos run at ~60 Hz updates  
115  // copy idle Angle to current Angle  
116  for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++) {  
117   reqAnglePOS[i] = idleAnglePOS[i];  
118   currAnglePOS[i] = idleAnglePOS[i] - 3;  
119  }  
120  // Setup PS2 controller Here!  
121  //error = ps2x.config_gamepad(12,11,10,13, false, false);  //setup pins and settings: GamePad(clock, command, attention, data, Pressures?, Rumble?) check for error  
122  ps2x.config_gamepad(12,11,10,13, false, false);  //setup pins and settings: GamePad(clock, command, attention, data, Pressures?, Rumble?) check for error  
123 // if(error == 0){  
124 //  Serial.println("Found Controller, configured successful");  
125 // }  
126 // else if(error == 1)  
127 //  Serial.println("No controller found, check wiring, see readme.txt to enable debug. visit www.billporter.info for troubleshooting tips");  
128 // else if(error == 2)  
129 //  Serial.println("Controller found but not accepting commands. see readme.txt to enable debug. Visit www.billporter.info for troubleshooting tips");   
130 // else if(error == 3)  
131 //  Serial.println("Controller refusing to enter Pressures mode, may not support it. ");  
132 //    
133 // type = ps2x.readType();   
134 // switch(type) {  
135 //  case 0:  
136 //   Serial.println("Unknown Controller type");  
137 //   break;  
138 //  case 1:  
139 //   Serial.println("DualShock Controller Found");  
140 //   break;  
141 //  case 2:  
142 //   Serial.println("GuitarHero Controller Found");  
143 //   break;  
144 //  }  
145  mySerial.println(" tech-to-tinker ");  
146  Serial.println("Setup DONE");    
147 }  
148 /* It's best not to do anything in loop() except runTasks() - doing anything else here will affect timing */  
149 void loop() {  
150  if(millis() >= checkPS2TaskTimer + checkPS2TaskInterval){  
151   checkPS2TaskTimer += checkPS2TaskInterval;  
152   // do the task  
153   checkPS2();  
154   Serial.println("checkPS2");  
155  }  
156  if(millis() >= setCommandTaskTimer + setCommandTaskInterval){  
157   setCommandTaskTimer += setCommandTaskInterval;  
158   // do the task  
159   setCommand();  
160   Serial.println("setCommand");  
161  }  
162  if(millis() >= setServoTaskTimer + setServoTaskInterval){  
163   setServoTaskTimer += setServoTaskInterval;  
164   // do the task  
165   setServo();  
166   Serial.println("setServo");  
167  }  
168  if(millis() >= doServoTaskTimer + doServoTaskInterval){  
169   doServoTaskTimer += doServoTaskInterval;  
170   // do the task  
171   doServo();  
172   Serial.println("doServo");  
173  }  
174  if(millis() >= updateLCDTaskTimer + updateLCDTaskInterval){  
175   updateLCDTaskTimer += updateLCDTaskInterval;  
176   // do the task  
177   updateLCD();  
178   Serial.println("updateLCD");  
179  }  
180  if(millis() >= updateSerialTaskTimer + updateSerialTaskInterval){  
181   updateSerialTaskTimer += updateSerialTaskInterval;  
182   // do the task  
183   updateSerial();  
184   Serial.println("updateSerial");  
185  }  
186 }  
187 /*  
188  * angleToPulse(int ang)  
189  * gets angle in degree and returns the pulse width  
190  * also prints the value on seial monitor  
191  * written by Ahmad Nejrabi for Robojax, Robojax.com  
192  */  
193 unsigned int angleToPulse(byte ang){  
194   unsigned int pulse = map(ang,0, 180, SERVOMIN,SERVOMAX);// map angle of 0 to 180 to Servo min and Servo max   
195   return pulse;  
196 }  
197 void doServo () {  
198  for (ch=0; ch < 16; ch++) {  
199   if (reqAnglePOS[ch] < currAnglePOS[ch]) {  
200    if ((currAnglePOS[ch] >= reqAnglePOS[ch]) && (currAnglePOS[ch] >= minAnglePOS[ch])) {  
201     pwm.setPWM(ch, 0, angleToPulse(currAnglePOS[ch]));  
202     currAnglePOS[ch]-=1;  
203    }  
204   }  
205   else if (reqAnglePOS[ch] > currAnglePOS[ch]) {  
206    if ((currAnglePOS[ch] <= reqAnglePOS[ch]) && (currAnglePOS[ch] <= maxAnglePOS[ch])) {  
207     pwm.setPWM(ch, 0, angleToPulse(currAnglePOS[ch]));  
208     currAnglePOS[ch]+=1;  
209    }  
210   }  
211  }  
212 }  
213 void setCommand() {  
214  switch (cmdFUNCTION) {  
215   case 0:  // no command  
216    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3];  
217    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
218    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5];  
219    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10];  
220    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
221    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12];  
222    break;  
223   // #############################################################  
224   case 1:  // pattern 1   
225        // Lean to the left  
226    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
227    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
228    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5];  
229    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 15;  
230    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
231    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12];  
232    cmdFUNCTION = 2;  
233    break;  
234   case 2:   
235    cmdFUNCTION = 3;  
236    break;  
237   case 3:  
238    cmdFUNCTION = 4;  
239    break;  
240   case 4:  // pattern 2   
241        // Right foot up forward step  
242    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
243    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] + 20;  
244    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] + 20;  
245    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 15;  
246    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] + 20;  
247    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 20;  
248    cmdFUNCTION = 5;   
249    break;  
250   case 5:  
251    cmdFUNCTION = 6;  
252    break;  
253   case 6:    
254    cmdFUNCTION = 7;  
255    break;  
256   case 7:  // pattern 3  
257        // Right foot down  
258    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 15;  
259    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] + 20;  
260    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] + 20;  
261    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
262    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] + 20;  
263    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 20;  
264    cmdFUNCTION = 8;   
265    break;  
266   case 8:  
267    cmdFUNCTION = 9;  
268    break;  
269   case 9:  
270    cmdFUNCTION = 10;  
271    break;  
272   case 10:  // pattern 4  
273         // Balance foot  
274    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 25;  
275    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] + 20;  
276    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] + 20;  
277    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
278    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] + 0;  
279    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 0;  
280    cmdFUNCTION = 11;  
281    break;  
282   case 11:  
283    cmdFUNCTION = 12;  
284    break;  
285   case 12:  
286    //  
287    if (isWALKING) {  
288     cmdFUNCTION = 13;  // continue walking  
289    }  
290    else {  
291     cmdFUNCTION = 0;  // stop walking in upright position  
292    }  
293    break;  
294   // ############################################################  
295   case 13: // pattern 5  
296        // Lean to the right  
297    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 15;  
298    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
299    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5];  
300    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
301    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
302    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12];  
303    cmdFUNCTION = 14;  
304    break;  
305   case 14:  
306    cmdFUNCTION = 15;  
307    break;  
308   case 15:  
309    cmdFUNCTION = 16;  
310    break;  
311   case 16: // pattern 6  
312        // Left foot up forward step  
313    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 15;  
314    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] - 20;  
315    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 20;  
316    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
317    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] - 20;  
318    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] - 20;  
319    cmdFUNCTION = 17;  
320    break;  
321   case 17:  
322    cmdFUNCTION = 18;  
323    break;  
324   case 18:  
325    cmdFUNCTION = 19;  
326    break;  
327   case 19: // pattern 7  
328        // Left foot down  
329    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
330    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] - 20;  
331    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 20;  
332    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 15;  
333    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] - 20;  
334    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] - 20;  
335    cmdFUNCTION = 20;  
336    break;  
337   case 20:  
338    cmdFUNCTION = 21;  
339    break;  
340   case 21:  
341    cmdFUNCTION = 22;  
342    break;  
343   case 22: // pattern 8  
344        // Balance foot   
345    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
346    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] - 0;  
347    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 0;  
348    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 25;  
349    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] - 20;  
350    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] - 20;  
351    cmdFUNCTION = 23;  
352    break;  
353   case 23:  
354    cmdFUNCTION = 24;  
355    break;  
356   case 24:  
357    if (isWALKING) {  
358     cmdFUNCTION = 1;  // continue walking  
359    }  
360    else {  
361     cmdFUNCTION = 0;  // stop walking in upright position  
362    }  
363    break;  
364   // #########################################################  
365   case 25: // Vow  
366    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3];  
367    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
368    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5];  
369    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10];  
370    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
371    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12];  
372    cmdFUNCTION = 26;  
373    break;  
374   case 26:  
375    cmdFUNCTION = 27;  
376    break;  
377   case 27:  
378    cmdFUNCTION = 28;  
379    break;  
380   case 28:  
381    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3];  
382    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
383    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 90;  
384    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10];  
385    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
386    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 90;  
387    cmdFUNCTION = 29;  
388    break;  
389   case 29:  
390    cmdFUNCTION = 30;  
391    break;  
392   case 30:  
393    cmdFUNCTION = 0; // stand straight  
394    break;  
395   // ########################################################  
396   case 31:  // pattern 4 REVERSE  
397         // Balance foot  
398    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 25;  
399    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] + 20;  
400    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] + 20;  
401    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
402    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] + 0;  
403    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 0;  
404    cmdFUNCTION = 32;  
405    break;  
406   case 32:  
407    cmdFUNCTION = 33;  
408    break;  
409   case 33:  
410    cmdFUNCTION = 34;  
411    break;  
412   case 34:  // pattern 3 REVERSE  
413         // Right foot down  
414    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 15;  
415    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] + 20;  
416    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] + 20;  
417    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
418    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] + 20;  
419    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 20;  
420    cmdFUNCTION = 35;  
421    break;  
422   case 35:  
423    cmdFUNCTION = 36;  
424    break;  
425   case 36:  
426    cmdFUNCTION = 37;  
427    break;  
428   case 37:  // pattern 2 REVERSE  
429         // Right foot up forward step  
430    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
431    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] + 20;  
432    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] + 20;  
433    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 15;  
434    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] + 20;  
435    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] + 20;  
436    cmdFUNCTION = 38;  
437    break;  
438   case 38:  
439    cmdFUNCTION = 39;  
440    break;  
441   case 39:  
442    cmdFUNCTION = 40;  
443    break;  
444   case 40: // pattern 1 REVERSE  
445        // Lean to the left  
446    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
447    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
448    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5];  
449    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 15;  
450    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
451    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12];  
452    cmdFUNCTION = 41;  
453    break;  
454   case 41:  
455    cmdFUNCTION = 42;  
456    break;  
457   case 42:  
458    if (isWALKING) {  
459     cmdFUNCTION = 43;  // continue walking  
460    }  
461    else {  
462     cmdFUNCTION = 0;  // stop walking in upright position  
463    }  
464    break;  
465   // ###########################################  
466   case 43: // pattern 8 REVERSE  
467        // Balance foot   
468    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
469    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] - 0;  
470    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 0;  
471    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 25;  
472    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] - 20;  
473    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] - 20;  
474    cmdFUNCTION = 44;  
475    break;  
476   case 44:  
477    cmdFUNCTION = 45;  
478    break;  
479   case 45:  
480    cmdFUNCTION = 46;  
481    break;  
482   case 46: // pattern 7 REVERSE  
483        // Left foot down  
484    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] - 10;  
485    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] - 20;  
486    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 20;  
487    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] - 15;  
488    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] - 20;  
489    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] - 20;  
490    cmdFUNCTION = 47;  
491    break;  
492   case 47:  
493    cmdFUNCTION = 48;  
494    break;  
495   case 48:  
496    cmdFUNCTION = 49;  
497    break;  
498   case 49: // pattern 6 REVERSE  
499        // Left foot up forward step  
500    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 15;  
501    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4] - 20;  
502    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5] - 20;  
503    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
504    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11] - 20;  
505    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12] - 20;  
506    cmdFUNCTION = 50;  
507    break;  
508   case 50:  
509    cmdFUNCTION = 51;  
510    break;  
511   case 51:  
512    cmdFUNCTION = 52;  
513    break;  
514   case 52: // pattern 5 REVERSE  
515        // Lean to the right  
516    reqAnglePOS[3] = idleAnglePOS[3] + 15;  
517    reqAnglePOS[4] = idleAnglePOS[4];  
518    reqAnglePOS[5] = idleAnglePOS[5];  
519    reqAnglePOS[10] = idleAnglePOS[10] + 10;  
520    reqAnglePOS[11] = idleAnglePOS[11];  
521    reqAnglePOS[12] = idleAnglePOS[12];  
522    if (isWALKING) {  
523     cmdFUNCTION = 31;  // continue walking  
524    }  
525    else {  
526     cmdFUNCTION = 0;  // stop walking in upright position  
527    }     
528    break;  
529   default:  
530    break;  
531  }  
532 }  
533 void setServo() {  
534  // ##################  
535  // ### COMMANDS ###  
536  // ##################  
537  if(ps2x.Button(PSB_R1)) {   
538   // Reverse function  
539   if (ps2x.ButtonPressed(PSB_PAD_UP)) {  
540    isWALKING = 1;  
541    cmdFUNCTION = 31;  
542   }  
543   if (ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PAD_UP)) {  
544    isWALKING = 0;  
545    cmdFUNCTION = 0;  
546   }  
547   if (ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_LEFT)) {  
548    isWALKING = 0;  
549    cmdFUNCTION = 31; // left foot backward  
550   }  
551   if (ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_RIGHT)) {  
552    isWALKING = 0;  
553    cmdFUNCTION = 43; // right foot back ward  
554   }  
555   if (ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_DOWN)) {  
556    cmdFUNCTION = 0; //   
557   }  
558   if(ps2x.Button(PSB_GREEN)) {  
559    cmdFUNCTION = 25;  
560   }  
561  }  
562  else {  
563   // Forward function  
564   if (ps2x.ButtonPressed(PSB_PAD_UP)) {  
565    isWALKING = 1;  
566    cmdFUNCTION = 1;  
567   }  
568   if (ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PAD_UP)) {  
569    isWALKING = 0;  
570    cmdFUNCTION = 0;  
571   }  
572   if (ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_LEFT)) {  
573    isWALKING = 0;  
574    cmdFUNCTION = 13; // left foot forward  
575   }  
576   if (ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_RIGHT)) {  
577    isWALKING = 0;  
578    cmdFUNCTION = 1; // right foot forward  
579   }  
580   if (ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_DOWN)) {  
581    cmdFUNCTION = 0; //   
582   }  
583   if(ps2x.Button(PSB_GREEN)) {  
584    cmdFUNCTION = 25;  
585   }  
586  }  
587 // // ##################  
588 // // ### LEFT SIDE ###  
589 // // ##################  
590 // if (ps2x.Button(PSB_L3)) {  
591 //  reqAnglePOS[3] = map(ps2x.Analog(PSS_LX), 0, 255, 0, 180);  
592 // }  
593 //   
594 // if(ps2x.Button(PSB_L1)) {  
595 //  reqAnglePOS[4] = map(ps2x.Analog(PSS_LY), 255, 0, 0, 180);  
596 // }  
597 //  
598 // if(ps2x.Button(PSB_L2)) {  
599 //  reqAnglePOS[5] = map(ps2x.Analog(PSS_LY), 0, 255, 0, 180);  
600 // }  
601 //  
602 //  
603 // // ##################  
604 // // ### RIGHT SIDE ###  
605 // // ##################  
606 // if (ps2x.Button(PSB_R3)) {  
607 //  reqAnglePOS[10] = map(ps2x.Analog(PSS_RX), 0, 255, 0, 180);  
608 // }  
609 //  
610 // if(ps2x.Button(PSB_R1)) {  
611 //  reqAnglePOS[11] = map(ps2x.Analog(PSS_RY), 0, 255, 0, 180);  
612 // }  
613 //  
614 // if(ps2x.Button(PSB_R2)) {  
615 //  reqAnglePOS[12] = map(ps2x.Analog(PSS_RY), 255, 0, 0, 180);  
616 // }  
617  // #######################  
618  // ### RESET / DEFAULT ###  
619  // #######################  
620  // Reset to default when START button is pressed!  
621  if (ps2x.Button(PSB_START)) {  
622    cmdFUNCTION = 0;  
623  }  
624 }  
625 void checkPS2 () {  
626  ps2x.read_gamepad();  
627 }  
628 void updateLCD() {  
629   mySerial.println(" from 6-DOF Robot ");  
630 }  
631 void updateSerial() {  
632  Serial.print(reqAnglePOS[3]);  
633  Serial.print(", ");  
634  Serial.print(reqAnglePOS[4]);  
635  Serial.print(", ");  
636  Serial.print(reqAnglePOS[5]);  
637  Serial.print(", ");  
638  Serial.print(reqAnglePOS[10]);  
639  Serial.print(", ");  
640  Serial.print(reqAnglePOS[11]);  
641  Serial.print(", ");  
642  Serial.print(reqAnglePOS[12]);  
643  Serial.println("");  
644 }

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