Interfacing Infrared to Arduino Uno
I am thinking if it is possible to create a single remote controller for the appliances in our home. So I do some search in google on how to interface infrared to a microcontroller. To my surprised it was very easy. But for the meantime while I do not have the materials, here is the infrared decoder. This could decode infrared code sent by our remote controllers, and ofcourse every remote controller has a different set of code. With the power of microcontroller, it is possible to change the set of IR code by just pressing a single button switch. LEDs will be use as indicators. Hello peeps. I am George, welcome to tech-to-tinker channel, where technology is explored and shared.
And today, I am going to show you my tinkering with the Infrared reciever to Arduino Uno
Bill Of Materials
- Arduino Uno
- Keypad/LCD shield
- Infrared receiver
- Some jumper wires
Hardware Instruction
- Connect the Keypad/LCD shield at the top of Arduino Uno board. Only the LCD of the shield will be use for this tinkering.
- Connect the Infrared receiver as follows from Right-to-Left:
- VCC connected to Arduino 5V (red wire)
- GND connected to Arduino GND (black wire)
- Output pin connected to digital pin 3 of Arduino (white wire)
- Upload the sketch provided.
- Enjoy.
Video Demonstration
Source Code
2#include "IRremote.h"
3#include "LiquidCrystal.h"
5LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);
7const int RECV_PIN = 3;
8IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
9decode_results results;
10unsigned long key_value = 0;
12void setup(){
13 Serial.begin(9600);
14 irrecv.enableIRIn();
15 irrecv.blink13(true);
17 // LCD
18 lcd.begin(16, 2);
19 lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
20 lcd.print(" tech-to-tinker ");
21 lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
22 lcd.print(" IR Code:");
25void loop(){
26 if (irrecv.decode(&results)){
27 if (results.value == 0XFFFFFFFF)
28 results.value = key_value;
30 switch(results.value){
31 /*
32 case 0xFDD22D:
33 Serial.println("CH-");
34 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
35 lcd.print(" ");
36 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
37 lcd.print("CH-");
38 break;
39 case 0xFD52AD:
40 Serial.println("CH+");
41 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
42 lcd.print(" ");
43 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
44 lcd.print("CH+");
45 break;
46 case 0xFD6A95:
47 Serial.println("<<");
48 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
49 lcd.print(" ");
50 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
51 lcd.print("<<");
52 break;
53 case 0xFDEA15:
54 Serial.println(">>");
55 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
56 lcd.print(" ");
57 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
58 lcd.print(">>");
59 break ;
60 case 0xFD8A75:
61 Serial.println(">||");
62 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
63 lcd.print(" ");
64 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
65 lcd.print(">||");
66 break ;
67 case 0xFD926D:
68 Serial.println("Vol-");
69 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
70 lcd.print(" ");
71 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
72 lcd.print("Vol-");
73 break ;
74 case 0xFD12ED:
75 Serial.println("Vol+");
76 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
77 lcd.print(" ");
78 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
79 lcd.print("Vol+");
80 break ;
81 case 0XFDC837:
82 Serial.println("UP");
83 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
84 lcd.print(" ");
85 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
86 lcd.print("UP");
87 break ;
88 case 0xFD8877:
89 Serial.println("LEFT");
90 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
91 lcd.print(" ");
92 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
93 lcd.print("LEFT");
94 break ;
95 case 0xFD28D7:
96 Serial.println("DOWN");
97 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
98 lcd.print(" ");
99 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
100 lcd.print("DOWN");
101 break ;
102 case 0XFD48B7:
103 Serial.println("RIGHT");
104 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
105 lcd.print(" ");
106 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
107 lcd.print("RIGHT");
108 break ;
109 case 0xFD08F7:
110 Serial.println("ENTER");
111 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
112 lcd.print(" ");
113 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
114 lcd.print("ENTER");
115 break ;
116 case 0xFDAA55:
117 Serial.println(">>|");
118 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
119 lcd.print(" ");
120 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
121 lcd.print(">>|");
122 break ;
123 case 0xFD2AD5:
124 Serial.println("|<<");
125 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
126 lcd.print(" ");
127 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
128 lcd.print("|<<");
129 break ;
130 case 0xFD4AB5:
131 Serial.println("STOP");
132 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
133 lcd.print(" ");
134 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
135 lcd.print("STOP");
136 break ;
137 */
138 default:
139 Serial.println(results.value,HEX);
140 lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // set the position
141 lcd.print(" ");
142 lcd.setCursor(10,1);
143 lcd.print(results.value,HEX);
144 break ;
145 }
146 key_value = results.value;
147 irrecv.resume();
148 //delay(2000);
149 }
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