How to use SIM800L GSM Module using Arduino | Make or Answer Voice Calls


Here we will further our exploration with the SIM800L GSM Module by testing the voice call capability.

To make a voice call:

  1. Send ATD+ZZxxxxxxxxxx;<CR><LF>
    – this is tell the GSM module to dial the following mobile number
    ZZ – the country code of the mobile number you want to call
    xx – is the 10-digit mobile number
    ; – don’t forget semi-colon, it will error without the semi-colon
    CR – Cariage Return, ASCII character 13 or r
    LF – Line Feed, ASCII character 10 or n

To answer the incoming voice call:

  1. Send ATA<CR><LF>
    – this tells the GSM module to answer the incoming voice call
    CR – Cariage Return, ASCII character 13 or r
    LF – Line Feed, ASCII character 10 or n

To reject the incoming call or terminate ongoing call:

  1. Send ATH<CR><LF>
    – this tells the GSM module to hang up the call.
    CR – Cariage Return, ASCII character 13 or r
    LF – Line Feed, ASCII character 10 or n

Video Demonstration

Source Code

 1#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
 3SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);
 5void setup() {
 6  Serial.begin(9600);
 7  mySerial.begin(9600);
10void loop(){
11  while (Serial.available()) 
12  {
13    mySerial.write(;//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
14  }
15  while(mySerial.available()) 
16  {
17    Serial.write(;//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port
18  }

Call To Action

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